
Online Application for Undergraduate Transferee Applicants

Online Application for Undergraduate Transferee Applicants

  • – Transferees are applicants who have already started their undergraduate programs in other schools but wish to continue their studies at DLSMHSI.

Subject Creditation

  1. Submit following requirements at the following email address for evaluation/subject creditation:
    • Transcript of Records (TOR)/Certification of Grades (even from school portal will do)
    • Subject / Course description of subjects taken from previous school and/or course.

    Specifying the following:

  2. Wait for the reply directly from the colleges you are applying for the initial evaluation result and further instructions.

    Note: BS Nursing & BS Medical Laboratory Science do not accept transferee applicants (unless the applicant is willing to start as a Regular applicant)

    For students who are willing to back from the start (no subjects to be credited/ willing to start as a Regular applicant, proceed directly to step 3 (Preliminaries))


  1. Fill out the Online Application Form and follow the instructions given. (for DLSMHSI SHSSHS students, proceed to Screening and Evaluation number 1 or click here)

    Please check the announcement to see the available programs before applying

  2. Pay the non-refundable / non-transferable Php 500.00 (for Filipino applicants) / $125.00 (for Foreign applicants) College Admission Test (CAT) fee through Dragonpay (see the link for the bank details and video for the payment procedures).
  3. After you receive your Official Receipt from our cashier, log-in to your applicant’s portal & choose your preferred Entrance Examination schedule.

    Note: For applicants from outside Cavite, you can choose to take our Entrance Examination via Online. Please email first pfcampana@dlsmhsi.edu.ph requesting for online exam together with your temporary ID number, full name & address. Choosing Online Examination is on a 1st come 1st served since limited slots are available & this is still subject to approval).

    If you haven’t received your Official Receipt from our cashier, you can email our cashier directly to ask for updates at admissionpayments@dlsmhsi.edu.ph or call them at Cavite line: (6346) 481-8000 | Manila line: (632) 8988-3100 local 1433.

  4. Read and watch the written and video guidelines provided and other details for your entrance examination.
    • Take the “Practice examination” as soon as possible (during your vacant time) so that you can be familiarized with the general aspects of the exam & if ever you encounter problems opening the software, the TRAST may assist and solve the problem before your actual exam.
    • Take the Online CAT as scheduled. The applicant should be on the testing site (for face-to-face takers) / online and log-in on the designated Zoom link (for online takers) at least 30 minutes before the examination (please take note that the applicants are expected that they already read the Guidelines on taking the DLSMHSI Online Entrance Examination and already took the Practice Exam).
    • A rescheduling fee of Php 300.00 shall be paid if the applicant fails to attend or wish to reschedule their entrance examination.
    • The Online College Admissions Test (CAT) result shall be released through your applicant’s portal after finishing the entrance examination.

Screening and Evaluation

  1. Once the applicant has decided on a course of choice, pay the Php600.00 Admissions Processing fee through Dragonpay (see the link for the bank details and video for the payment procedures).

    Note: If you haven’t received your Official Receipt from our cashier, you can email our cashier directly to ask for updates at admissionpayments@dlsmhsi.edu.ph or call them at Cavite line: (6346) 481-8000 | Manila line: (632) 8988-3100 local 1433

  2. After you receive your Official Receipt from our cashier, log-in to your applicant’s portal and choose your preferred interview schedule.

    Note: For BS Biochemistry, BS Nursing, BS Radiologic Technology & BS Nuclear Medicine Technology applicants, please pm our FB account first (dlsmhsi interview) for an Online Interview appointment (with your full name, ID number & program you are applying). As you know, applicants from outside Cavite are only allowed to request an online interview.

  3. Read the written guidelines provided and other details for your interview.
    • A rescheduling fee of Php 300.00 shall be paid if the applicant fails to attend or wish to reschedule their interview schedule. (click here for rescheduling procedures)
  4. Check your applicant’s portal at least 1-2 days after your interview or contact TRASTS for the final result of the evaluation.


  1. Secure the Acceptance Letter from TRASTS through your portal with the link for the complete instructions on the next step (Reservation of slot or Early Enrollment) and all the required documents need to submit should the applicant pass all the criteria for screening and evaluation.