Special Health Sciences Senior High School
The De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute features its Special Health Sciences High School with the Senior High School Department focused on Academic-STEM Track blended with Health-related Program. The curriculum is designed to prepare students in the field of health sciences like Nursing, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Medical Laboratory Science, Radiologic Technology, Nuclear Medicine, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech and Language Pathology-all leading to Doctor of Medicine. For De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute, this special health sciences high school is envisioned to prepare and form students as future medical and health allied professionals who value the Lasallian healing ministry the most. Thus, making sure the curriculum features PUSH (Public Understanding of Science in Health) as an integral component. Public Understanding of Science in Health (PUSH) highlights the theoretical foundations and fundamentals of Science in relation to health programs of the Institute. These subjects show how sciences are important, related and useful in the field of health care. This also focuses on the laboratory and field exposures of the students after finishing the basic PUSH courses and finally this also requires the students to finish an Investigatory Project which is the culmination of all their theoretical knowledge and exposures from the basic PUSH courses. The remaining senior years shall be devoted primarily for the Internship Program where students shall be exposed to the actual health sciences profession.
The said unique curriculum shall be able to assist students also in determining their career paths without being forced to take a degree that they do not want to take. Moreover, students may opt to enroll in certificate programs that will hone their abilities and talents. As a result, they shall be equipped with the skills needed for a specific job even without a college degree. Ata the age of 18, the age when they graduate from Senior High School, they shall be employable, productive and competitive. Thus, adding up to the nation’s manpower. Still, those who opt to pursue a higher degree shall have the better opportunities in DLSHSI.
Copyright: Dr.J.O.Cabanias