SIGNUM FIDEI –“Sign of Faith” has been the motto of the Brothers of the Christian Schools since the days of Saint John Baptist De La Salle.
INDIVISA MANENT – The ancient motto of the La Salle Family is “Que sien toustem legato amasse”, which in Gascon dialect means “Let us all be united!” or “Let us all stick together!”. The Rheims branch of the family translated this motto into the Latin “Indivisa Manent”, which is the present wording of the motto on the coat of arms, literally translated as “Permanently Indivisible”. The latin phrase is translated into the present tag line “One La Salle”.
OPEN HANDS – These represent the commitment of the office to help and reach out to our prospective students / applicants and their parents/guardians and other visitors about their inquiries relative to DLSMHSI’s Admission Process, Requirements, Programs & Scholarship opportunities.
PEOPLE W/ SYMBOL– These represent the four major functions of the office by which the office interacts and interconnects with people: Admission, Testing, Marketing, and Scholarship.
LASALLIAN STAR – placed at the center which symbolizes the Office’s sincere acknowledgment of the Lasallian Core Values: Spirit of Faith, Zeal of Service, Communion in Mission, and Reverence for Life, which serve as the light guiding all of its undertakings.
2007 represents the year the Office was established.