DLSMHSI launches the Scholarship to Employment Program
May 31, 2022 | 2:25 pm

DLSMHSI extends its support to its students through the Scholarship to Employment Program, an education to employment opportunity for qualified graduating students of DLSMHSI. The program offers full scholarship for first and second semesters of the students’ final year and a 2-year employment at De La Salle University Medical Center immediately after passing the licensure examination. For more information, please contact the Lasallian Admission and Scholarship Opportunities (LASO) at (6346) 481-800 or (632) 8988-3100 Local 1407 or at scholarship@dlshsi.edu.ph.

DLSMHSI secures its membership in Asia-Pacific Research Alliance
The Asia-Pacific Research Alliance recognized DLSMHSI as an official member for its contribution in the growth of the organization and in-profession education in April 2022. The certificate was awarded by Gunma University, a WHO Collaborating Center for Inter-professional Organization.
DLSMHSI opens its BS Molecular Diagnostics program
The BS Molecular Diagnostics is the latest undergraduate program to be offered by the DLSMHSI College of Medical Laboratory Science this coming SY 2022-2023. This four-year program augments the existing tools for the diagnosis and probable treatment of a wide array of hereditary and acquired benign and malignant conditions at the molecular level. It is a blend of Medical Technology, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, which is a collection of techniques used to analyze biomolecules and biological markers in the genome and proteome – the individual’s genetic code and how their cells express as proteins – by applying molecular diagnostics to medical testing. The tracking is arched on Medical Technology / Medical Laboratory Science to highlight the clinical laboratory as a possible workplace since most of the molecular laboratories now are housed under hospital clinical laboratories. This is the allied health profession where molecular diagnostics specialists perform medical laboratory tests on DNA and RNA. The discipline prepares the students for both routine and advanced molecular assays. Internships and on the job training will also be offered in key centers in the country.
Academics celebrates Acad Got Talent 2022
The members of the A-Team showcased their talents and personalities in the Acad Got Talent 2022, an annual event of the Academics which features the diverse talents of the members of the Academic community and serves as a platform which promotes fun, friendship, and development of potential. Competitions included solo singing contest, duet singing contest, modern dance contest, Tiktok challenge, battle of the bands, and showcase of extraordinary skills/talents. Novelty game shows adaptations of I Can See Your Voice and The Singing Bee were also included as fun program intermission.
The event was held on April 29, 2022 in a hybrid format. Congratulations to the winners and to those who joined the competition!
Singing Contest – Solo
Champion: Melvin Petate (CHSS)
1st Runner Up: Dante Espinosa (CM)
2nd Runner Up: Jhulez Dayrit (DMQCP)
Singing Contest – Duet
Champion: Romeo Ramirez & Francesca Manansala (DMQCP)
1st Runner Up: Jay Pee Tizon & Honey Charmaine Rodriguez (Mix NTP)
2nd Runner Up: Louie Fernand Legaspi & Ryan Tuzon (DMQCP)
Modern Dance Contest
Champion: Cloud 9 (SHSSHS)
1st Runner Up: Pharmadynamics (DMQCP)
2nd Runner Up: The Dancezerist (Mix NTP)
Tiktok Challenge
Champion: TiktoQuerist (DMQCP)
1st Runner Up: Jed Abatayo (CHSS)
2nd Runner Up: Mark Daniel Sierra (TSA)
Battle of the Bands
Champion: DMQC Pink (DMQCP)
1st Runner Up: Bandnessa (RPAMDAFSC Library)
Extraordinary Talents
Champion: Carlo Jose San Juan (CMIT)
1st Runner Up: Ser Loisse Mortel (DMQCP)
2nd Runner Up: Geraisa Caldo (TSA)

BS Nursing and BS Physical Therapy programs undergo PAASCU Revisit
The PAASCU Virtual Program Accreditation Visit for Nursing and Physical Therapy Programs was held on May 12-13, 2022. The Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU) has been a long-standing partner of DLSMHSI in quality improvement of education. DLSMHSI regularly undergoes accreditation by PAASCU for its Medicine and undergraduate programs and this has helped DLSMHSI to maintain its brand of quality and nurturing education. This school year, the Nursing program underwent a resurvey for Level III and the Physical Therapy program for Level II. DLSMHSI was commended for the outstanding performance and outcomes of the programs based on the initial results of the visit.
Institute of the Brothers of Christian Schools elects Br. Armin Luistro FSC as Superior General
DLSMHSI joins the entire Lasallian community in congratulating Br. Armin Luistro FSC for being the first Filipino and Asian Brother to be elected as Superior General of the Institute of Brothers of Christian Schools. He is the 28th successor of St. Jean-Baptiste De La Salle. Br. Armin was a former president of De La Salle University System and Secretary of the Department of Education.
Academics appoints Julieta M. Damian, RN, MSN as the new CCEHDP Director
Julieta M. Damian, RN, MSN is appointed as Director for Center for Community Engagement and Health Development Program (CCEHDP) effective SY 2022-2023. Ms. Damian’s experience in teaching, administration and community work make her a fitting choice to be the next leader of CCEHDP in continuing its mission to provide support and assistance to the service-learning component of the different Colleges of the Institution.
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