DLSMHSI receives AUN-QA certification
November 29, 2021 | 7:46 pm

The ASEAN University Network (AUN) is an autonomous organization established under ASEAN and the mandate of Ministers responsible for higher education in ASEAN countries, dealing with the promotion of human resource development in the field of higher education within ASEAN and with its dialogue partners. The AUN-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Network is established to promote quality assurance in higher education institutions, raise the quality of higher education and collaborate with both the regional and international bodies for the benefit of the ASEAN community. Quality assurance in education shall produce quality graduates, meet labour market expectations, promote internationalization of profession and globalization, drive consumer protection, turn an elite university to an institute of mass higher education, respond to meet society’s needs in higher education, cultivate the increasing importance of mass higher education and facilitate student exchange and international cooperation.
DLSMHSI Academic Quality Management (2019, July). Overview of the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance and the AUN-QA Program
The AUN-QA has certified the BS Nursing, BS Pharmacy and BS Radiologic Technology programs of DLSMHSI after having satisfactorily fulfilled the requirements and successfully passed the virtual assessment conducted on August 2-6, 2021. The certification is valid for five (5) years. Using the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Model, various areas of the programs were assessed, such as:
- Expected Learning Outcomes
- Programme Specification
- Programme Structure and Content
- Teaching and Learning Approach
- Student Assessment
- Academic Staff Quality
- Support Staff Quality
- Student Quality and Support
- Facilities and Infrastructure
- Quality Enhancement
- Output
A core team of the Colleges which underwent the assessment prepared a Self-Assessment Report (SAR), which contained the narrative, checklist and pieces of evidence, and submitted to the AUN-QA assessors. Virtual interviews with administrators, Academic Teaching Faculty, students, alumni, and other stakeholders and tours of the College and institutional facilities were performed to validate the data contained in the SAR.
DLSMHSI is expected to reap the benefits and open opportunities for its students, faculty members and graduates through continuous quality assurance certified by national and international accrediting institutions. This is part of POSIBLE 2021, the Academics’ thrusts for SY2021-2022. Under the POsitive thrust, Academics shall explore strategies that would show confidence and hope that despite the pandemic, excellence in the academic programs, accreditation and quality assessment initiatives, faculty and staff development, and upgrading of facilities shall continue and shall even be intensified. The AUN-QA certification of academic programs is one of the priority areas under this thrust.
Congratulations to the College of Nursing, Dr. Mariano Que College of Pharmacy and College of Medical Imaging and Therapy. Thank you also to the Academic Quality Management, Academic Colleges and Services, and institutional offices for the support.
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