The Doctor of Dental Medicine of De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute aims to
nurture students to become professional dentists who provide dental care that helps maintain good oral health and quality oral health care delivery through patient safety and education . The Lasallian dentist will be trained to be sensitive to the oral health needs of the community and will be an advocate of “oral health as part of an individual’s overall health”.
Specific Objectives
The Lasallian professional dentist will demonstrate the ability to:
- Provide quality oral health care to patients and assure adherence to patient education.
- Respond to the challenges of being a dental professional that practices lifelong learning.
- Engage actively in the delivery of oral health services in an ethical and legal manner.
- Collaborate effectively with the members of the health care team.
- Grow professionally through involvement in research, education, and community service.
- Works with other health teams to ensure delivery of quality care for the patient.
- Practice the Lasallian core values of faith, service, communion, and reverence for life.
Specific Program Learning Outcomes:
The outcome expected from every DLSMHSI dentist are anchored on the following listed as adapted from the CHEDs CMO #3 , 2018 .
- Provide quality oral health care.
- Communicate effectively.
- Plan and deliver community and extension dental services.
- Engage in research activities.
- Apply business principles, entrepreneurship, practice and processes.
- Practice lifelong learning and continue to be a lifelong learner.
- Practice ethical/ legal/ moral principles and social accountability.
- Demonstrate nationalism, internationalism and dedication to service.
- Utilize systems-based approach to healthcare.
- Collaborate with interprofessional teams.
Career Opportunities:
The graduates of the Doctor of Dental Medicine Program can pursue a general dental practice after passing the Dentists Licensure Examination. Engaging in private dental practice is the backbone of every DDM graduate. Other opportunities of employment for the private practitioner with the DDM degree are the ff:
-a General Dental Practitioner
- Private practice
- Hospital dentist
- LGU dentist
- Private company dentist
- School dentist
-a researcher / Innovator
– a teacher of the profession
– a dental practice specialist as recognized by the PRC
-a provider of Oral Health Services as a dentist and officer in the AFP, PNP and other investigative agencies
-a manager and entrepreneur
-a consultant in a pharmaceutical company or allied industry consultants
Preventing, diagnosing, identification and management of oral needs and diseases of the individual and the community are the primary functions of every De La Salle dentist. The emphasis in improving the oral health which is part of the overall health of the individual or community is the core competency we expect in every DLSMHSI dentists.