This section comprises the student assessment and the plan for the PhD program evaluation.
The main strategy to be utilized in the students’ assessment relates to academic writing. Academic writing has been pointed out by various authors, as among the best way to determine how graduate students synthesize, assimilate and connect ideas previous studies to the current situation or practice (e.g. Shin & Ewert 2015, Ondruske 2012). This can be in the form of writing a well referenced essay, journal article critique, literature review, among others.
In all courses offered in during the first two years, classes shall require students to write essay and/or academic reports. Individual oral presentations shall also be done to assess the progress of each student. Although there are several instances that other strategies will be utilized such as group work to encourage teamwork and collaboration.
Summative assessment
The main summative forms of assessment are the two (2) dissertations for both secondary and empirical research. In addition, one (1) article published in its final form, and one (1) submitted manuscript for publication are other summative assessment forms for the students. The additional dissertation and the manuscript for publication are alternatives to the suppose comprehensive examination, as per CMO 15 s.2019. The dissertations and publications aim to assess on how students integrate and synthesize knowledge gained from the coursework and dissertation related activities. The student will be assisted by the dissertation advisers who will closely work with the student in the publication of manuscripts. Publication workshops will be conducted to assist the students in the production of publishable paper.
The evaluation of the program may follow Stufflebeam’s CIPP Model (Iwasiw 2020, Lippe and Carter 2018) in curriculum evaluation. It addresses four components to facilitate decision making: context, input, process and product. In using this model, the overall quality and merit of a program can be determined (Lippe and Carter 2018).
Further, McNeil (2015) points out that the curriculum evaluation is done to assess the (1) merits of the goals, (2) quality of the plans, (3) extent the plans were carried out and (4) value of the outcome. In particular, the curriculum evaluation of this PhD program includes the following objectives:
- To determine the relevance of the PhD curriculum to the current needs and trends in the population and public health practice within the Philippine health care system.
- To assess the internal capacity of the institution and identify gaps in the delivery of the expected outcome of the program.
- staff development
- faculty qualifications
- faculty research and publication
- internal technical resources
- To determine the merits of the PhD in Health Sciences program specially in terms of the employability of graduates.
Data sources may come from hard data as well as soft data or data that are collected through quantitative and qualitative methods to develop triangulated findings. Sources of data will include all stakeholders such as students, faculty members, managers of public health institutions and administration of PhD program.
The result of this curriculum evaluation will be the basis for curriculum improvement such as change in the curriculum contents and strategies. This program evaluation aims to ensure that the needs of the students and the public health needs of the country’s health care system are addressed effectively.