Nature of DLSMHSI Alumni Relations
The Alumni Relations seeks to serve both internal and external clients and supports the advancement of the institute.
Internal Clients are – a.) students who are candidates for graduation in any of the programs of DLSMHSI referred to as Alumni In-residence, b.) graduates of any of the programs of DLSMHSI referred to as Alumni, and c.) non-graduates of any DLSMHSI program but are currently employed as Faculty, Staff or Administrator of DLSMHSI referred to by Alumni Relations Office as Alumni Honoraries.
External Clients of the Alumni Relations refers to the non-graduates of DLSMHSI who are connected to the institute by virtue of availing of the services provided by the office. They can be graduates of other academic institutions, professionals, and organizations /sectors participating and/or partnering with the programs offered by Alumni Relations.
The services rendered by Alumni Relations are the following: a.) Career Pathing Program for Alumni In-residence, b.) Pre-employment requirements assistance (local and international), c.) General services (i.e. alumni registry, alumni ID issuance, review program assistance, job placement assistance, scholarship grant), and d.) psychosocial- spiritual support (reunion/homecoming assistance, Lasallian formation services, and Lasallian support), and accreditation.
Related Services rendered by Alumni Relations include but are not limited to tasks that will promote Alumni participation in curricular reviews for program enrichment given the accredited status of DLSMHSI, the conduct of tracer studies, homecoming/reunion assistance, alumni recognition, placement-related and CPE networking and linkages, as well as support for DLSMHSI advocacy programs (i.e. fund sourcing activities, charitable works, and volunteerism).