
Opening of 19th International Days of Peace and Human Rights, Democracy and Peace Month

November 28, 2024 | 12:03 pm

By: Dr. Lorenzo Alvin T. Capio, PhD |  Lasallian Formation and Social Action

We join our Lasallian family worldwide to celebrate the International Lasallian Days of Peace

(ILDP) from September 21, 2024 until October 21, 2024. This 19th-anniversary celebration is centered on the theme “1LaSalle: Our Pilgrimage Towards Peace.” Reflecting this commitment, the Lasallian East Asia District emphasizes peace advocacy through the campaign slogan, “LEAD with passion, LEAD for Peace.” We are reminded to stand in solidarity with communities experiencing global conflicts and crises. Alongside this, we are also celebrating Philippine Lasallian Human Rights, Democracy, and Peace Month (PLHRDPM) organized annually by the De La Salle Philippines-Lasallian Justice and Peace Commission, with participation from all 16 La Salle schools in the country, whose Social Action Offices serve as its arms.

We commenced our celebration with a Solemn Mass, followed by a Candle Lighting Ceremony to honor Martial Law victims. These significant activities were organized by the DLSP-Lasallian Justice and Peace Commission. Fr. Ned Nazareno presided over the Holy Mass, helping us reflect and pray. The Candle Lighting Ceremony reminded us of the sacrifices made for human rights and justice, thereby recommitting us to these values in our community. This event was organized by Mr. Ryan Mendoza, the program head for Lasallian Advocacy, a unit within the Lasallian Formation and Social Action Department. Then, during the Flag Ceremony on October 7, 2024, at the De La Salle Animo Center, the themes of PLHRDPM and ILDP were woven into the prayers, reflections, and Lasallian guiding principles for the occasion. This integration helped raise awareness among the DLSMHSI community about the importance of the month-long celebration.

May we continue to uphold human rights, value democracy more, and embrace peace in our

services, department, college, community, and home.