
Programs and Activities

Programs and Activities
Gender Responsiveness Curricular Program
This program aims to provide support in the mandate of CHED, specifically Section 13 of the Magna Carta ofWomen (MCW), CHED “shall ensure that gender stereotypes and images in educational materials and curricula are adequately and appropriately revised. Gender-sensitive language shall be used at all times”.
Capacity-building on gender and development (GAD), peace and human rights, education for teachers, and all those involved in the education sector shall be pursued toward this end.
This program also expects to:

  • Enhance teaching methods to ensure they are appropriate to facilitate gender learning
  • Support integration of gender learning in the instructor’s discipline
  • Build awareness of gender in the dynamics of the learning environment to ensure a respectful and non‐discriminatory classroom
  • Strive for gender balance among faculty, students and employees

WHY SHY Series which covers:

  1. Ethnicity and Multiculturalism
  2. Diverse Religious Norms
  3. Persons who are differently abled
  4. Gender and Development
    • Gender and Development Orientation
    • Violence against Women’s Month
    • Women Empowerment Activity
    • reast Cancer Awareness Month Competition
  5. Minority and Multicultural Scholarship Program