

March 17, 2021 | 9:30 am

Guest speaker for the webinar was DLSMHSI Data Privacy Officer Alex Rodriguez, CPA, DPO-ACE1, who shared his knowledge ways protect our privacy and the integrity of our personal data while building a professional and personal identity in the online world.

In his lecture, Rodriguez shared how users can take advantage of the different types of identities in the digital environment: single identity, multiple identity, and anonymous identity.

He said, “In the digital world you can have single identity, multiple identity and anonymous identity. A single identity is easily identifiable as you in all platforms.

Multiple identity can be used for different purposes (personal, professional, or otherwise) or in different platforms or media accounts. Anonymous identity which can be attributed to a specific person through the use of
pseudonyms or avatars.”

With these identities, Rodriguez explained both the advantages and disadvantages for each:
Single identity

• Consistent presentation of image (good personal branding)
• Trustworthy and nothing to hide
• High level of integrity and truthfulness
• Easy to connect or find Disadvantages
• Personal and professional identities are mixed up
• Lack of privacy
• Higher risk of identity theft

Multiple Identity

• Can separate information depending on your purpose
• Privacy and security is better than single identity
• Can package the information to suit your preferred identity
• Risk is relatively minimized

• More profiles and accounts to manage and check
• Lack of privacy
• Hard to distinguish

Anonymous Identity

• Increased freedom of self-expression
• High levels of privacy and security
• Can provide a voice to express or threaten without revealing true identity
• Risk is minimized

• Cannot be trusted (i.e trolls)
• Can encourage cyber bullying, trolling, and abuse

For privacy and security, Rodriguez recommends to have a separate or different accounts for professional personal identities. He also reminded everyone to practice the very popular but always neglected adage – think before you click. “Be careful with what you are sharing in the internet because it is hard to take it down so always to take a second look before clicking or posting anything.”

Rodriguez also shared few helpful tips to protect the privacy of an individual’s identity such as
• creating strong passwords by using special character and combination of upper and lower case
• never use the same password on multiple accounts
• always log out on the browser
• do not log in on personal accounts on free or public wifi
• set up your Facebook privacy settings
• unfriend Facebook friends you don’t know personally
• Update your Facebook timeline and tagging settings
• Don’t be too public, avoid using work email addresses for personal matters
• Be mindful of devices with company data on them

The webinar is part of Collab-rary: User Engagement Program 2021, a month-long program of Romeo P.
Ariniego MD, AFSC Library, with a theme “Digital Literacy.” The program aims to create a strong partnership with the members of the community through user engagement activities. Activities include a virtual exhibit of Dr. Ariniego’s art collections, seminars, and quiz bees.